the process
I work one-to-one with individuals and teams to help them achieve their goals at both personal and organisational levels.
Linkwell’s coaching process begins with a face-to-face session in which we discuss and agree desired business outcomes. This may well involve a line manager or an HR sponsor. We then agree the aims in writing and schedule the required coaching sessions. Between six and eight monthly sessions can bring about big changes for an individual or a team.
Our team coaching is fully bespoke and can be tailored to include a mix of workshops, team coaching, psychometrics or peer-to-peer problem solving groups. We are highly flexible and will design a coaching solution that best suits the needs of your team, number of people and agreed business outcomes.
Halfway through the coaching sessions we will review progress to make sure that things are on track and make any adjustments if required. We then check back in with the assigned sponsors after the coaching has finished to measure success. When all parties are happy with the outcome, we conclude the coaching sessions.

my philosophy
My personal philosophy is to deliver the highest professional standards in coaching with integrity, objectivity and expertise. Building an ethical, high-quality coaching relationship is vital for success. I place great value on this dynamic relationship – it is incredibly powerful and capable of driving enormous change.
I create a safe environment that enables individuals to explore their corporate and personal goals with appropriate levels of stretch and support. The individual or team decide the subject matter for their sessions, whilst the business requirements remain firmly at the centre. I bring the tools, expertise and techniques to help them discover their motivational and behavioural drivers. We then use this learning to achieve desired business outcomes.
Coaching is a high-impact tool that enables profound change – empowering individuals to overcome challenge, reach their fullest potential and perform at the peak of their ability. I help individuals and teams accelerate their possible, to become motivated and engaged employees – the pillar of a successful organisation.